AKC CH HaTikva Cherrysh Dream Of Ewe "Velvl"
Velvl is enjoying his terrific home in Independence, Minnesota.
Health information: ð Hips - OFA Certified Excellent (CA-382E24M-PI) ð Elbows - OFA certified normal (CA-EL66M24-PI) ð Patella - OFA certified normal (CA-PA22/26M/P-PI) ð Thyroid - OFA certified normal (CA-TH42/24M-PI) ð Eyes - OFA certified normal (CA-240) ð CHIC (Canine Health Information Center) #37068
7¾ years old Velvl completing his AKC Championship by going Best of Breed at the Duluth Kennel Club show on 7/14/12.
4½ years old Velvl during the CDCA National Specialty weekend at the Olympia Resort in WI.
Velvl tried herding sheep but then decided that it was far more fun to roll over on his back and ask for a belly rub.
2½ years old
21 months old Velvl earning his first and second 3 point majors in back-to-back shows. A huge thank you to Keith Shank, Super Handler!
11 months old Velvl earning his first AKC point.
4 months old
12 weeks old
11 weeks old
10 weeks old
9 weeks old
8 weeks old
7 weeks old
6 weeks old
5 weeks old
4 weeks old
3 weeks old
This site was last updated 08/05/12