Mira's page

In memory of my miracle dog

March 27, 2002 - July 15, 2015


2007 ICDCA National Specialty Best In Show

2012 ICDCA National Specialty Altered Best In Show

2012 - UKC's 1st ever Canaan dog to earn the Altered Grand Champion (ALGCH) title

Multile Reserve Altered Best In Multi-breed Show

Altered Best In Multi-breed Show

AKC Champion /UKC AlGCH NBOB Champion

Cherrysh Mi Corazon Miracle



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Mira has truly been a miracle.  She has accomplished everything we have asked of her and more.

Health information:

 ð Hips - OFA Certified Good (CA-342G24F-PI)

 ð Thyroid - OFA certified normal (CA-TH25/24F-PI)

 ð Eyes - OFA certified normal (CA-180)

 ð Degenerative Myelopathy - certified Normal (clear for DM)



 ð Earned AltGCH (UKC Altered Grand Champion) title at the 2012 ICDCA National Specialty weekend and receiving Altered Best in Show at the National Specialty plus several Reserve Best Altered in Multi-Breed Show later that same weekend.  Mira is the first ever Canaan dog to earn the Altered Grand Champion title.

 ð Helped Alex get Best Sub-Junior Handler at the 2012 ICDCA Specialty.

 ð Earned U-ROM (UKC Register Of Merit) title at the 2010 ICDCA National Specialty weekend.  Her two UKC champion offspring are Libby and Kade.

 ð Won Best Female Veteran at the 2010 ICDCA National Specialty on 10/29/10.

 ð Won Best of Opposite Sex Veteran both at the 2010 MCDC (Midwest Canaan Dog Club) Regional Specialty and the accompanying Veteran Sweepstakes classes on 04/23/10.

 ð Won Best Brood Bitch at the 2010 MCDC Regional Specialty on 04/23/10.

 ð Helped Sofie get Best Pee-Wee Junior Handler/Best Junior Handler in Match at a fun match in Waterloo, IA during the MCDC Regional Specialty Weekend.

 ð Helped Sofie get Best Junior Handler at the 2009 ICDCA Specialty.

 ð Won Best Veteran at the 2009 ICDCA National Specialty on 07/03/09.

 ð Earned ICDCA V (versatility) title at the 2009 ICDCA National Specialty weekend.

 ð Won Best of Opposite Sex Veteran at the 2009 CDCA National Specialty Veteran Sweepstakes on 04/30/09.

 ð Helped Talie get Best Novice Senior Junior Handler at the 2009 CDCA Specialty.

 ð Received the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) and Therapy Dog (TDI) titles on 01/02/09.

 ð Best of Breed at the 2007 ICDCA Specialty (earning the UKC NBOB (National Best Of Breed) title

 ð #1 Brood Bitch at the 2007 ICDCA Specialty (shown with two of her offspring from the 2004 litter, Libby and Velvl)

 ð Helped Talie get Best Junior Handler at the 2007 ICDCA Specialty

 ð #3 Brood Bitch at the 2006 CDCA Specialty (shown with two of her offspring from the 2004 litter, Libby and Velvl)

 ð Helped Talie get Best Junior Handler at the 2005 ICDCA Specialty.

 ð 2005 is off to a great start as Mira is once again one of the top Canaans.  She went Best of Breed at the Des Moines dog show in January, just 3 months after whelping her first litter.

 ð Invited and participated in the 2005 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.

 ð Fantastic mom of 7 beautiful and healthy puppies born on 10/28/04 ("Dream" litter).

 ð Participated in Parade of Titleholders at 2004 ICDCA Specialty

 ð Helped Anna get Best Junior Handler at the 2004 ICDCA Specialty

 ð One of the top ranked AKC Canaan Dogs for 2004 (sparingly shown through 8/04) - #3 in breed points as of 8/31/04

 ð AKC Champion at 21 months (with three majors)

 ð #2 UKC Canaan Dog for 2003 (at only 18 months old)

 ð UKC Champion at 18 months (only shown one weekend)

 ð CDCA Herding Certificate earned at the 2003 CDCA Specialty (13 months old)



 The photos below are thumbnails...click on each photo to enlarge.


Mira at the 2012 ICDCA Specialty weekend in Collins, MO where Mira completed her UKC Altered Grand Champion title, received Best Altered in National Specialty, and helped her pal Alex compete in Junior handling.  Alex is Mira's fourth Junior handler...thank you Mira for being an awesome Juniors dog!


Sofie and Mira in Waterloo, IA during the 2010 MCDC Regional Specialty weekend where Mira won BOS Veteran at the Specialty and at the accompanying Veteran Sweeps.  Plus, Mira won Best Brood Bitch.



   Mira winning BOS Veteran at the       Sofie earning Best Junior Handler

    2009 ICDCA National Specialty          2009 ICDCA National Specialty


          Sofie showing Mira on 07/05/09.



     Mira winning BOS Veteran at the            Mira looking beautiful during the         Mira taking a break

2009 CDCA National Specialty Sweeps        2009 CDCA Specialty weekend            after the show





 Mira winning Best of Breed at the              Mira winning Best Brood Bitch         (l-r) Libby, Velvl, Mira

   2007 ICDCA National Specialty               2007 ICDCA National Specialty

(photo courtesy of Victor Kaftal)                   (l-r) Mira, Libby, Velvl

                                                             (photo courtesy of Victor Sanchez)




 Mira with one of her favorite people, Talie                           Mira with Talie

 Talie received Best Junior Handler at the        Talie received Best Junior Handler at the

         2007 ICDCA National Specialty                      2005 ICDCA National Specialty

       (photo courtesy of Victor Sanchez)



      Mira competed at the 2005 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

       only 3½ months after giving birth to seven beautiful puppies.

               For a video of Mira at this show, please visit





21 month old Mira completing her         Mira with one of her favorite people, Anna

  AKC Championship by getting              Anna received Best Junior Handler at the

    her third major and going                         2004 ICDCA National Specialty

  Best of Breed over a Special




         18 month old Mira                    13 month old Mira

     getting Best of Winners                earning her CDCA HC

(2003 ICDCA National Specialty)    (2003 CDCA National Specialty)





  9 month old Mira          8 month old Mira          6 month old Mira

winning her 1st major         winning again           at her first show




                                     3 week old Mira




Mira's pedigree



AKC/UKC CH Kochav Ole me Shaar Hagai CD

Israel CH Shavit me Shaar Hagai Isr Int & Ned Ch Sirpad Me Shaar Hagai
Yafit Me Shaar Hagai
Israel CH Kesem me Shaar Hagai Isr, Int Ch Lehitraot Me Shaar Hagai
Zohara Me Shaar Hagai


AKC CH Cherrysh Asherah

Spring Lad

Sivan Me Shaar Hagai

Petra Havar Bakar Eliad

Briel’s HaTikvah bat Ariel ROMX, CGC

CCA Ch Ariel Shin Ha'Aretz of Briel

CCA Ch Geva's Jessie of Briel



Mira is co-owned with Cheryl Hennings of Cherrysh Canaan Dogs.

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                                                         This site was last updated 08/13/15